Title 1-Mrs. Binge Instructional Coach
Hello, I'm the Title 1 Instructional Coach at Roose Elementary. I love being able to work with students learning how to read and write. I strive to assist my students in expressing themselves and accept themselves for who they are, as well embrace the differences of others.
What is Title 1?
Title 1 is the largest fund of money from the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Money is sent to the state to distribute to districts following formulas provided by the U.S. Department of Education. Allocations are determined by the district’s Census Poverty Count. The funds are to be used to provide service to students who are not meeting the school and district’s academic standards. The programs and services MUST be supplemental; the district cannot use the money to pay for its basic obligations.
What does Title 1 provide for Roose Elementary?
- Instructional Coach – Certified teacher providing direct intervention support for students and instructional support for teacher.
- Paraprofessionals – Provide direct intervention support for students.
- Supplemental Instructional Materials
- Assessment Materials and Training
- Supplemental Educational Services, & Summer School Programs
- Parent Workshops
- Training for teachers & paraprofessionals
- Summer Literacy & Math Program
- Additional Instructional Grant after school program called Reading Rockets for grades K-3.
- Math, Science and Reading Night
- Our literacy instruction uses a workshop model where students are learning and working at their own developmental level.